
Yeah, I was late to the party also. Still, it's so fucking good.

Each Pinback album has like 3-4 songs I really like, and then some that just don't resonate with me as well. So, I totally get not liking having to sit through an entire album.

I bought it purely out of nostalgia for Pinback, but I'm enjoying it thus far.

Sounds like we need to intervention on Meth Lab Shenanigans for his goddamn list-making.


A stoned Danny Devito nodding in affirmation to Dennis saying "I hate god" in "Mac Day" is one of my single favorite Sunny moments.

I actually really, really, like "Rise Above". All the wonky time signatures and wobbly vocals struck a chord with me.

"He is survived by his wife, two children, and parents."

The Moon & Antarctica?

I don't know, man. "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" is so fucking good.

[While being chased by a Google Car]

*Pushes up glasses* Don't you mean "Amnesiac"?

[The AV Club gets their Knives Out]

D-euce Bigalow

Some say he is still being slapped to this day.

Head Like a Whole Lotta Good Music

Howl let you know what I decide.

I like some of these films, anime buy that box-set.

"Joe Dirt 2, the least dank comedy of the year"

Ah, D-, the gentlemen's F.