
Honestly? Just give me coffee and TV.

I'll be your rooooundabout.

Ground Torino

Flights of Our Falters

"We get it! You assholes like American Dad. Geez!" - A.V. Club Staffers

"Why is he even here? He's just a guy who landed a plane in a river to save his own ass. You want to be a real hero? Avoid the geese like all the other pilots do every single day."

The what festival?

What computers?

Corbin, I may be wrong, but I think you mean "until midway through when the time signature changes…" instead of "tempo slows". Arguably, the tempo stayed the same, the structure just shifted. Also, there is a 90% chance I have no idea what I'm taking about.

Ghosts of the Great Highway is a great album. Everything else seems to float between "meh" and "pretty good" for me.

Maybe I can get through the tutorial this time.

I'm fairly happy with everyone today. That's all I have to report.

I can barely discuss my sexuality anonymously on the internet, to be a national icon for the LGBT community? That took balls.

Wholly fucking, shit.

"How do we cover up a face tattoo?"
"Gaping head wound?"
"Damnit Johnson, you've done it again!"

You win some, you Wun Wun.

I know the final set-piece was the big deal, but I fucking LOVED seeing Tyrion hold his own against Dany.

"Don't worry about Jon… he always comes back." *Wink*

*Draws a pyramid with own blood*

Alan Jacks-his-son-off (from the best pun thread I ever saw)