
No, what YOU are saying with YOUR shouty caps is YOUR interpretation of what was in the script. Others may have seen subtleties that you missed. YOUR interpretation to me is pretty superficial in understanding the story, missing several quite obvious points about the series and the characters, and in understanding

He's grieving for Ragnar. The one thing he always wanted was Ragnar's love and he gets that confirmed just as Ragnar tells him that he won't see him again, in this life or Valhalla. After all Floki did to try and keep Ragnar's faith in their gods, he failed. Or maybe the gods failed him. Or maybe Ragnar was right

"Hirst does not sugarcoat the similarities of the role of women in both Viking and Islamic culture in this period: the only acceptable roles for women are mother, daughter, and whore."

Lagertha treated Aslaug with the faintest of respect so long as she thought Ragnar a) was king or would return to be king and b) loved Aslaug.

Exactly. The visuals we see are interpretations of what the characters perceive to have happened. For Vikings, seeing ravens or crows was a sign that Odin was among them. If Bjorn and Hvitserk knew their father was on was on what they all pretty much knew was a suicide mission, then when they saw ravens or crows

Or, we find out that she is pregnant from her last night with Ragnar and dies during (maybe choosing to do so to ensure) the birth of the one thing she always wanted to give him, another son. And there are other sons in the legends.

Not really. There was significant time between those two scenes and not everything has to be on camera. It would have been more of a continuity error without the line to explain why it had turned.

Have to disagree. I thought this was incredibly disappointing. Yet another overly long battle scene whilst they spent their increased budget was as tedious as all the rest this season. They've lost the pace and impact of the storytelling for the sake of some special effects, choreography and a crowd of irrelevant

Perfectly aware of that. As I said, I thought it was too pertinent to the story of Alfred, the legacy of Athelstan and the comparisons in religion they were making to leave out. Certainly more pertinent than the Brothers Dim playing with eggs for example.

I wasn't meaning Aslaug but the other staff/slaves. They would have taken responsibility for Siggy even if Aslaug wasn't.

Watched this originally on a streamed version just after it aired in the US and then again on Amazon Prime UK tonight. Just had to watch a small bit back as I thought I had noticed quite a significant omission from the streamed version during the coronation and papal scene and I had.

Well, I'm not banking on Rollo being on screen so much in the second half of the season. Standen seemed to spend a lot of time off filming documentary pieces and attending various country's Comic Con equivalents whilst the rest of the cast were filming in the autumn.

Carrying the ships overland is a known Viking tactic and one of the elements that made their boats so successful - strong enough to cross open seas, shallow enough to sail up river, light enough to carry across land. Apart from hoisting them up a cliff, it would have been something they had experience of and were

No, it was explained later in the episode when you saw Roland in Charles's bed.

The most unbelievable element of this episode was Siggy's death and it going unnoticed. She is a princess in a household with staff and slaves. Senior members of that household would literally be beating an explanation out of their juniors if any accident befell her let alone a fatal one.

I actually liked both of those decisions.

Ah, but at Lindisfarne, Ragnar didn't. And part of the whole storyline has been Ragnar wanting to improve the lives of his people and his people learning from him. So there does need to appear some cultural shift in those Vikings closest to him towards his way of thinking. It's far better that it is shorthanded

"When Ragnar orders his fleet to stop so he can unveil his plan to have Floki engineer a way to hoist the Viking ships up over the cliffs in order to bypass Rollo’s forts, it could signal another signature Lothbrok master-stroke if not for the wild look in his eyes as he announces the plan. This is not a hidden