USS Blanketship

Nah Aeron the Damphair is the priest.

Spot on. Cersei craved power, was desperate for recognition, obsessed over living up to her father's success. Always after the immediate gain at the expense of the big picture - disrupting the system and putting risky people into positions of power or confidence, oblivious of the inevitable consequences. She's thin

This. Bran, Arya, and Sam are on similar journeys. They had to travel away to learn skills that will together help save the realm, and Bran's training was cut short, so now it's time to go home. Interesting thought about his being marked by the Night King possibly circumventing the protection magic in the wall,

I don't know, I think/hope that she is actually playing him at his own game.

I think the reviewer is selling Sansa's victory short. Never in the history of ever has Petyr Baelish divulged his end game to anybody. She could have done a lot to erode his trust but she didn't. She swallows her pride, stuffs her emotions away, and makes the practical decision to ally with him rather than give in to

Razor is un-skippable. There is a scene toward the end with the 1st hybrid that completely alters possible interpretations of the series finale. I think a major reason so many people hated the ending to the series was because they either forgot it or entirely skipped Razor and therefore took certain aspects of the

True. I personally enjoy a slow burn plot and if the A plot is SHIELD, I think it's far more realistic for them to gradually but increasingly have problems as they push back against their orders until something triggers the need for complete rebellion. But in the meantime, the weekly plots are a good place to bring

I believe it's going in the right direction, and if we get another season, I think we shall be vindicated then when new people mainline this season on netflix, removing the hurdle of impatience with storytelling. Most of my favorite shows I watched after they were done their run and it really helps to watch it all

Yeah every time he says it, it's word for word and he's starting to notice how odd it is as the words are coming out of his mouth.

If SHIELD as the enemy becomes the A Plot by the end of the season, I would consider they've consistently been setting that up. They already displayed enough of their nefarious tendencies to the team via sending Fitz & Agent SandwichMurderer to their deaths, ordering them to dump Simmons in the ocean last week,

not just that but it would draw attention via news outlets etc. and many more pervs would go find grace's forced kiddie porn due to their family being high profile

But "Beautiful" *is* written by Linda Perry, which is passes the Posehn text of who can write about such things.

How bout they just combine The Following S02 & this 24 reboot into one mega-show/Flatliners reunion where Bacon & Bauer run around together shouting and looking intense?
But for real, as long as the 24 miniseries includes is a final showdown between evil again Tony Almeda & Jack Bauer (preferably where they both end up