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    That would redeem this ep for me

    Weakest of the whole season. Did Krystal see Sara dressed like her? Turning her into a gag at the end was lazy storytelling. And how fast are those helicopters. Too much shoved into 60 minutes and it felt way off the rails to me.

    Meanwhile Once upon a time is coming back to season 6, despite losing what mojo it had and relying on lame macguffins to solve problems brought about by stupid characters living in a vacuum wrt other characters

    Jonny Rees/Greg Ellis as Cullen Rutherford. Second would be the guy who voices Dorian (both dragon age inquisition)

    That's how I took it.

    All I could do was flashback to the birdwatcher woman saying "we were all little girls" when he started in on his sob story regarding his niece. His willingness to slaughter so many people led me not to care at all about his plight

    The scenes at the end reminded me of the Godfather

    Dorothy as warrior wasn't a twist. It was rehashing the same twist. Side braid made the katniss resemble ridiculous