
Thomas Covenant
I was surprised and pleased to see this character mentioned, as I too have long considered him to be the ultimate anti-hero of everything I've read. What Mr. Handlen didn't say was that there was a second trilogy. And in this second trilogy, Thomas Covenant is unconscious for a significant part of it.

You're so right. I'm a horse's ass for "insulting" poor Donald Caballero's post, since he didn't stoop to insulting me first, like calling me a troll. Oh wait. He did. This is precisely the reason I generally don't get involved in online "discussions". For some odd reason the people I encounter can't handle it if

I don't have a direct connection with Lucas, although we come from the same town in Nebraska and the people I talk to from back home speak well of him and his family. But I don't have an invested interest in him, if that's what you are implying. And just because I take issue with what I consider to be misguided hatred

I'm at a loss to explain it…
I am an actual card-carrying member of MENSA. I have reached the point where I rarely watch television because it seems to have very little to offer me. I generally avoid sites like YouTube because they are filled with material I can't enjoy.

An interview or an ambush?
I think that Lucas came out pretty well in this interview, considering that O'Neal did nothing to disguise his obvious dislike for the kid and his accomplishments. The kid is 17 years old and is enjoying somewhat unexpected fame, and it's kind of disturbing to see so many people directing