
Again with the sappy music and voice-over tying everything up in a bow at the end.  I thought the show had gotten away from explicitly spelling out each episode's theme, so I don't understand why this is happening more often now.

The producers are just being cagey with the "may be eliminated" wording on the clue, but plan eliminations in advance.  In earlier seasons, I believe the clues were much more definitive with their language and clearly spelled out an elimination for the audience and racers.

Someone actually likes T-Dog and finds him relevant?

And it looked like she was showing some serious sideboob during the bodybuilding challenge, judging from the multiple blurs.

I liked the old glasses better, too.  They had a cool throwback look.  The new ones are boring.

Thanks for the link, I somehow missed this news.

When was Cougar Town ever slated for Tuesdays at 9?

Really could have done without the sappy music and multiple voiceovers near the end of the episode.  This is a crutch that the writers need to stop using.

Yeah, but sadly it could be so much better.  I had high hopes after the pilot and hilarious second episode, but I don't think the show is going to live up to the potential that I think it has.

Agreed.  White Collar also tried to make her out to be some drop dead stunning beauty.  She's definitely pretty, but I don't get the fuss.

Ernie felt ambivalent about using the U-Turn, since he didn't want to "play dirty."  Cindy was gung-ho about using it.  I don't see this so-called hero edit for the two of them.

Really not seeing the Dudez portrayed as villains mainly based on one slightly insensitive remark or Ernie/Cindy as favorites, since they had multiple Ugly American moments in Malawi.

I'm a regular viewer of this show, and I laughed a lot as well, I think more than I have at any previous episode this season.

I'm feeling the mad chemistry between Sarah and Mark.  But my huge crush on Jason Ritter could be factoring in here.

So glad to see Frank again, and it's nice to see that he's still exactly the same.

Agreed.  The writers use crazy Maw Maw as a crutch, and she's so much funnier when lucid.

Their rationale was that the U-Turn is "mean-spirited" and they don't want to play that way.  Even though the U-Turn is a strategic move and a completely legitimate and fair part of the game.  I really hate this superior attitude.

I can't think of a characters of hers that I like, either.  They're all so one-note and drive the joke into the ground.  Her impressions can be great, though.

I'll take the Cee Lo talk show sketch (perhaps with a few tweaks) over the tiresome and unfunny What Up With That sketch any day.

Shane looked just like Lenny from Of Mice and Men in his overalls ensemble.