
Liam James >>> Skyler Gisondo on Psych. I don't know if it was the writing or Gisondo, but Young Shawn came across as overly goofy in those flashbacks late in the series. But I'm really liking Gisondo here.

Wendy adds nothing so far and could easily be written out. Jackie gels better with Teddy and Ron.

I could not agree more. I liked the spark of creativity on display right before the holiday break, but it's gone right back to the same old plots and ideas since it returned. The show might as well be called Everybody Hates Stewart with the amount that everyone dumps on him all the time. Such a waste of a talented

Paget Brewster's hilarious delivery of the word "barf" after Sara discovered that Gerald was Big Daddy bumped this one up to a B+ for me.

But this already exists in The Sing-Off!

I could not agree more. Tom had turned into an asshole as of late, and Craig has been much more reliably funny and entertaining. And I also think "Tom's Bistro" is a dumb, dull restaurant name

Does this mean that she is going to sing more on the show? Because I am not a fan of that.

What a sad review. This was easily the most enjoyable episode of the season so far, and Jimmy and Sabrina weren't shuffled off into their own side plot for once.

Talk about a buzzkill. I wish any other writer was covering this show. It isn't perfect or high art, but it is enjoyable and fun.

Abraham is in his late 40s in the comics and Cudlitz is 48. Seems just about perfect.

Eric looks like some sort of troll that lives under a bridge.  He got the worst of both his parents' features and resembles an albino.  I always dread his appearances on this show.

Eric looks like some sort of troll that lives under a bridge.  He got the worst of both his parents' features and resembles an albino.  I always dread his appearances on this show.

A previous season pitted Joan Rivers versus Annie Duke, so it isn't always a man versus a woman in the finale.  And my theory is that the footage of Trump saying "You're fired" in the preview for next week is re-used footage of him firing Lisa.  I don't see anything happening other than a Clay versus Aubrey finale.

Was that Michael Gladis (a.k.a. Paul Kinsey of Mad Men) as the guy spotting Barney's perfectly timed nightly exits from his building?  IMDb will not confirm and I missed the end credits.

I don't know about that.  I've heard Brendon say "follow that car" a lot to their taxi driver instead of just directing him to go to their next location.

Agreed.  Lisa's become so transparent in her hate of Dayana.  She will never recognize a good idea coming from her, and very clearly feels threatened by Dayana because of her looks.  Her vicious barbs are coming across as pathetic at this point.

I thought it was pretty terrible and gave it a worse grade than Phil.  There wasn't a whole lot of funny to redeem the silly storyline.


Ugh, indeed.

Biggest laugh of the episode: little Jimmy's defiant "How you like me now, son?" after he broke the first window.