
Trufrost, you're dead on, except Clay Davis disdains first person in his exclamations.

Fuck youtube, you gotta find Tron Guy's website where he explains how he made the suit. Remember that Larry Groznik thing on the Onion where he talks about making a Boba Fett suit for his dog? It's like that, but real life. it's got a down to earth quality to it that makes it hard to stop reading, though.

But isn't that exactly what you are arguing? You're basically saying that it doesn't matter that it's not a real depiction of a hospital, because the drama is real. I took JB as saying that because it strikes him as so unrealistic, it dims the drama for him. It takes him out of the reality of the movie and reminds

Dude, who said anything about a documentary? His point is that when a gritty "real" film exploits a certain locale in a way that isn't accurate, he doesn't think it should be considered the best movie of the year. It's like if someone said Gray's Anatomy was the best show on TV because it was a "vivid time-and-place

Trick question. Prince *is* God.

The Last of the Mohicans
Remember when Prince facerolled Magua and Magua looked down at himself with a look on his face like, "How the fuck did this happen?" The moral of the story is clear: there are grave consequences for killing Prince's only son.

"Haw haw haw"? Is that a Chick Tract reference?!?!

Let's face it: nobody gives a fuck about newspapers. They're dying. Let them die. (That last should be said in a Capt. Kirk voice)