Cougarton Abbess

"Breasts are truly the window to the soul" made me bark-laugh in the middle of the extremely quiet coffee shop I watched the show in.

Kim Chi out of drag is a stone cold fox, too.

I loved Pearl's take on 'Dreaming' until I realized those were the only dance moves she had.

She also jumped straight in with buttering up Ru in the workroom, Willam-style ('i always listen to your podcast' is the new 'i love your book'), which Ru ate right up. Bob is savvy as hell, and I love her.

She was weirdly giving me Sean William Scott vibes with those flat bangs

I mainly enjoyed Kennedy when she was horny and openly lusting after Pearl. Her relationship with Katya was really sweet, too. But I still can't stand that her lazy-ass Hello Kitty outfit managed to get Katya elimanted #foreverbitter

She reminds of Raven. Supremely talented and very put-together, edgy, out-of-the-box looks, but slappable af.

I can definitely see Katya huffing on some laughing gas in the 'In Dreams' segment in Blue Velvet

Naomi Smalls, tho. IMO the most gorgeous queen to come through since Raja. (maybe I have a type.)

I have a very low threshold for kitschy theater queens, so I'm getting a Pavlovian fear-response to hearing the word 'Seattle' on this show

Chi Chi is adorable. Her personality is Miss Fame in constant chicken-mode. And she comes off as goofy, but in Untucked she seemed super sharp and self-aware, too. She knows that she's not going to look as polished as the rest of the queens because she doesn't have the $$$, but she's going to fight tooth and nail

Definitely agree on the creepiness being muffled by over-explanation. The first time Cecil mentioned the Faceless Old Woman who Lives in Your Home, just the idea of it genuinely sent chills down my spine. But the more the idea got fleshed out, the less creepy it became, until it was just like 'well oh here she is

The book I'm reading right now is kind of a Lovecraftian horror-mystery-fantasy hybrid - the creators of the Welcome to Night Vale podcast have come out with a book of the same name, and it's pretty fantastic. The closest I can come to describing it is surrealist-horror-comedy.

I clicked on this article just to rail against the exclusion of BoJack Horseman. The opening credits are an actual work of art. Nothing like an unhinged sax solo to get you in the mindset of a depressed narcissistic D-lister horse man.

I get more of a Courtney vibe from her. And I'd infinitely prefer Willam lite to Courtney.

But "Dreaming" is free

I am the queen who takes the tragic and turns it into magic, I take trash and turn it into treasure, and having never fallen into the bottom two, I am Alaska, and I am AMERICA’S NEXT DRAG SUPERSTAR.

Which queen??

It's a great song, but I was kind of surprised that "For Now" didn't take the spot for classic Avenue Q song. It's a song I turn to when I feel like utter shit and it almost without fail makes me feel better afterwards.

I love A Little Night Music so, so much, and I feel about it the same way you feel about Company. Every single song should be a hit, but particularly "Every Day a Little Death" and "Soon/Now/Later." I love that the whole thing is written in waltz time.