Ugh there's really only one response to that:
Ugh there's really only one response to that:
I freaking looooooooooooooooooooooooove that video but I somehow didn't make that connection! You're totally right!
"Milan her way all over the stage" <—- I just laughed for 10 minutes over this
I can't vote yet because I'm still in denial that she's gone. THE PAIN IS TOO FRESH
Hello Slut and Privyet Katya should run away together and have their own spinoff show.
I hated the team setup from All Stars but I just flooded both my basement and subbasement at the idea of a Katya/Alaska team up. I NEED THIS
The only thing that helped me get through his flirtation with Violet was the fact that Ru looked about as disgusted with it as I felt. Soooooooo uncomfortable.
Oh damn, I haven't seen Untucked yet. Poor Katya. If the stress was getting to her that badly then it's definitely not worth it for her to keep doing that to herself. Plus, she milked the show for all it was worth and has a HUGE following now, so girl did what she came there to do.
Even though this was a hugely entertaining episode, I'm tempted to give it a D because I cannot stand that Katya just got sent home.
Katya is gone and my second fav (Pearl) doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of snatching the crown. I feel superbly unmotivated to watch anymore.
I seal-clapped when I saw Pearl had bedazzled puppet Kennedy's face top to bottom and knew a chicken read was coming. I need the extended edit of Pearl's read to assuage my pain.
I really wish Ru would stop bringing back eliminated queens and just keep a no elimination lip sync up her sleeve instead. Trixie really did nothing memorable with her return, but I would donate my organs for another week of Katya.
Not to mention the song fit Katya's season arc narrative of finding confidence in herself. I honestly feel no motivation to watch next week's episode without her : (
It was physically painful watching her walk off the stage. My brain was in crash mode going THIS WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.
This week was rife with Should They Kiss potential. I don't know what facial expression Tormund Giantsbane was going for there but he definitely landed in Ravish Me territory.
If we have a full 9 to 5 reunion on this show I will lose my everloving shit.
The scene that really got to me was when Frankie said 'I don't remember the last time I slept without you' and they curled up on the couch. It was such a tender and sad exchange between the two.
Ummm thank you for bringing that up. I thought I was the only one getting a little sweaty during that tango.
It wasn't specifically Sasha she was objecting to, though - she said she would be pissed to be paired with any of the returning queens because she wanted all those bitches to go back home.
Her unabashed horniness in Untucked was the highlight for me. That and her self-proclaimed crunchy tuck. I've done a total 180 on Kennedy over the course of the past two episodes.