Agreed. She has the personality of a rabid squirrel, but her look is polished as hell and the judges lived for her runways. So while I'll be making blood sacrifices to the drag gods all week to bring Willam back, I'm not holding my breath.
Agreed. She has the personality of a rabid squirrel, but her look is polished as hell and the judges lived for her runways. So while I'll be making blood sacrifices to the drag gods all week to bring Willam back, I'm not holding my breath.
I think my head did a full 360 when Jessica Wild landed in the bottom two for that commercial. Honestly, the only Absolut drink I can name off the top of my head is Berry ACAAAIIIIIIIII and that's 100% her doing. I love that drink.
Why, Jasmine Guy, why?!
ETA: WOAH misread. ignore this comment.
Not yet discussed: Willam swiffering the mirror with her taint.
Every day I am astounded that there is not a t-shirt factory churning out a million Jesus is a Biscuit shirts yet. I would buy them all.
@avclub-ede79a5ee534f274b5f109567e6c4722:disqus that was the Willam moment that won me over. He may be a bitch, but he's above the passive aggressive sabateur shit PhiPhi seems so enamored with.
The only other wig-ripper besides Shannel who really made my jaw drop was Yara Sofia. Such a genuine gesture of despair, it still gets me a little choked up thinking about it.
Latrice: the only person I would allow to take me to church.
@avclub-02c1dd6ad234773aeffd7f7067784d58:disqus Every time someone links to that gif, I end up staring at it for 5 minutes. Minimum.
Seriously. Someone introduce these queens to Rex Harrison, stat.
Yessssss "refried Irving Berlin." Signed and sealed.
I really hope these were all filmed at the very beginning of the series. Otherwise, can you imagine - the indignity of lipsynching, then being booted off, and then being forced to hold crown and check alike while sobbing into the camera?
exactlyyyyyyy i was waiting for her to whip a ukelele out of her hair. then again, if PhiPhi had done Tiny Tim and Sharon Needles Disney, THAT would've been a show.
In Charlie Sheen's voice.
from one ragingly over-protective Britta fan to another: a+ comment, would read again.
It's funny, I was just talking to someone this morning about how AV Club is one of the more female-friendly forums out there, and then I scroll to the comments and see this flaming pile of violently sexist bullshit. Depressing reality check.
@dromiceiomimusjr:disqus HAWTHORNES, baby! seriously, she hardly had 2 minutes screen time total, and she's still my main memory of that episode.