Cougarton Abbess

true story: that was one of the most traumatizing moments of my childhood, partially because it took so long to drown that damn horse.  they literally milked every second of anguish from that child actor as humanly possible

CONTINUITY SIDENOTE: Troy & Abed's pjs in the end tag are the same ones they wear in Conspiracy Theories.  That is all.

seriously, that was like… a Monty Python's Black Knight-level geyser of blood.

CRISIS ALERT rapidly approaching 2000 comments

Yeah, the writing staff really needs to step up their game re: Shirley.  I'm hoping her plot line this week — with the writer's meta-commentary that they've made baking her main character trait — hints that they'll be fleshing her out more this season.


i moment i haven't seen listed in the several-hundred-thousand comments dogpiling this episode:

i love epidemiology almost as much as i love to contradict myself


true story, the 2nd time i watched this episode i specifically went out and bought a pizza because it made me so hungry the first time around.  CAPITALISM - 1, ME - 0

if that's true, then you just blew my fucking mind.

#1 7 Minutes in Heaven interview is with a tipsy and unexpectedly steamy Patricia Clarkson

heard that song for the 1st time when i was eleven and was endlessly confused as to why he was so angry at the prospect of having a pocket full of shells

Also love the Andy Warhol Trabed painting on the wall

oh, come on gaga.  I adore you but you need to lighten the fuck up.

Am I the only person who thinks Epidemiology is as close to 20 minutes of perfection as television has ever achieved?

"Um, what does a pregnancy test look like?"

"lenghty all-hugging, all-learning" - For real?  Jeff watching the group have a joyous communal dance and coming to the realization that they're happier without him in the equation is bittersweet, at best

I thought all of Earth-Troy was pretty run-lola-run — slow-mo of objects portentously falling to the floor, dominoes-style catastrophic chain of events, etc — which made the madness all the funnier, I think

1 word: bagel