
Ben, and the actor who plays him, both rule. Hands down the funniest character on the show.

William Mckinley High School
The same name of the school in Freaks and Geeks.

It seemed to me that the picture Sock made of his "dream girl" looked a lot like Andi.

medically-induced coma or not…
… it was nice to see Jack finally get some sleep.

"Biscuit, comin' in hot!" I'm still laughing at that line.

Does that mean Jenna Fisher is leaving the show and is going to be replaced by Kirsty Ally? Because I am not down with that.

yeah, getting married, getting pregnant…
having kids…

I think you have Jack's motivation completely wrong Adam Samson. I think he wants to detonate the bomb and redo everything so that he never has to meet Kate. They'll just go on with their lives unaware of the others existence. Much like Juliet's motivation for helping Jack.

I think I've seen The Big Lebowski more than any other movie and I can still remember the first time I saw it. It was in an empty theater… in New Jersey… with a a friend and a friend of a friend. I loved it. My friend loved it, but they other guy… he didn't get it. I still remember that, because as soon as he said

What about Sayid? It seemed obvious that Jacob had known what was going to happen to Nadyia when he stopped Sayid. Therefore, you could assume that he know what path this incident would put Sayid on… working for Ben, searching of redemption, eventually leading him back to the island.

I'm definetly on board with the Blackie Impersonating Jacob theory, but the more I think about it, why did Jacob just sit back and do nothing while his rival was going about manipulating everybody?

I love the idea of Christian "working" for the Smoke Monster. It was always.. assumed… alluded too, but never proved, that he was working for Jacob. It could all be a long con Smokey has been pulling on the castaways, and us. Any time we saw Christian, I always thought it was a manifestation of the Smoke Monster,

Yeah, but why would it take him so long to find someone to command to do it. It is obvious that Jacob is aware of what is happening after Locke and Ben enter his room. It seems like he was a major player in making sure they got there. They way he said "What about you" to Ben… hell, I would have stabbed him.

Michael Emerson, as always, was terrific as well. The shot of his face after Locke said all that stuff about how Jacob basically ruined Ben's life was GOLD.

Neat. I hope the hope most of the final season focuses on the Jacob character. He's always been one of the most interesting characters on the show, and until tonight, they've never even had him on screen.

My PC's acting a fool…
So I'm going to post my thoughts without reading comments. First off, this episode was fantastic. I'm going to say it up front, I thought this was the best season finale so far. It was the most riviting two hours of TV I think I've ever seen.

I'm just happy to see another Deadwood actor on Lost.

What happened to Ryan?
He disappeared after the first act. I guess he's not that into dancing.

Faraday's Hair
I love how they didn't bother to give Jeremy Davies a wig during his scene with Widmore. His hair was short one minute and considerably longer the next.

Every tied in a neat little bow.
I'm sure Charles Miner will be back on the show in some form. David Wallace made it clear that he was not letting Charles go because he was too valuable. He'll probably show up once in a while.