Only Four Reasonable discussions Occurring??
Really? What gives?
Only Four Reasonable discussions Occurring??
Really? What gives?
It's about time this appeared…
I gots me some stuff I wants to say.
I dont understand.
These were written months in advance to the current NBC run, so why isn't weeks review posted yet? It's Saturday for Buddy Garity's sake.
classic episode.
One of the best.
I remember Locke seeing Boon when he was in that smoke-drug hut thing he made in the at the start of season 3. Boone told him to go save Eko from a bear.
Boone has reappeared. He talked to Locke, but Locke was under some pretty heavy voodoo at the time, so that may have had something to do with it.
Something just popped into my head. In "LaFleur" Amy said something about burying the bodies, that the NEED to be buried. Which at the time made me wonder, if a person isn't properly buried, is the ghost of said person free to roam the Island at will, ie Christian Shepherd?
eh. It was late. I was drunk.
He might be saying LaFluer… he might not. Tough to tell.
Three years is along time. Anything could've happened. I'm sure Richard and the Others went back to New Otherton and made camp after Ben turned the wheel. Who knows what happened after that.
Faraday's in 1977, but he's probably completely lost it. That is what Sawyer meant by "he's not there anymore"
After seeing that image of the "woman" standing behind Sun, I'm sure Smokey flew in through the door and manifested itself as that woman, whoever it is.
this season rules.
This is shaping out to be my favorite Lost season yet.
Has anyone else noticed the shades of Jericho going on during this season:
Yeah, I've belted out some Creep while playing Rock Band on many occasions.
Yeah, really, they would all probably be DVRing (I prefer not using the TIVO brand name… get over it) her show every morning. Well, at least once, just to watch it.
I find it preposterous that Sheldon has never heard of Radiohead. I can believe that he might not be a fan, but surely he's heard of them before. He would AT LEAST know that they are a band.
Both this week's and last week's episodes were well above par. Hopefully they'll finish out the season with even stronger episodes.
Radio Star?
Seriously? He's too handsome for radio.
I'm in the shower, can you hold on a second?