
Oh… now I get it.

He said they were making them sole supplier of ALL business products, not just paper. They're getting the discount on paper, but not the other supplies. Before this episode I was under the impression that Dunder-Mifflin only sold paper, but apparently not.

That was a good sketch, and overall, it was a great show. I find him entertaining.

Garret Dillahunt
It seems like he is in everything these days.

People fly it ironically?

holy crap!
I had no idea that the actress playing Lois also played Susan's mother on Seinfeld until I clicked that link.

He wasn't evil on Damages. He had his conniving, manipulative moments, but for the most part he was one of the only redeemable characters during that first season.

the Simpsons was great tonight
It really was.

As a big Philadelphia sports fan, I enjoyed that line.

I'm finding Jensen harder and harder to read primarily because of his out-there craziness. I still try to read his stuff every week. The worst part about EW is they way they have their comment sections laid out. It's much easier to read comments here.

I just wanted to point out.
This review has over 207 "reasonable discussions occurring" and it's only been posted for about an hour.

I wouldn't be able to read the review beforehand. It would spoil so much.

Sawyer and Juliet together works, for sure. I really hope they stick with that for a while.

before I read this review…
I just want to say that this was possibly, in my opinion, the best episode of Lost ever.

80's action movies
I really liked this episode precisely because it had that low-budget 80's action movie feel. Sure it was predictable and plodding, but damn was it entertaining. If Juma would have killed Bill, which let's face it, would have made a lot more sense, this episode would have crossed over into awesome

Definitely the weakest episode of the season…
Still pretty good. This no Saracen crap better stop soon.

I love PBR. It's the best cheap beer you can get.

I use MY computer to look at porn.

Yeah, I wish he was still on that show. It's still good, but it's been suffering without him.

I just noticed this tonight…
If you take the "K" out of Dubaku, you get Dubau, or Dub-a-u. W!