
I'll usually agree with the whole Chloe-being-awesome-at-computers-is-a-little-too-convenient argument, but not this time. I really liked the bait and switch they pulled on us. Like the reviewer said, it seemed like Billy Walsh's lame "re-booting the servers" thing was an excuse to extend the plot and make the

I think they were alluding to Zeljko's character not being human in the flashback scene that took place in his apartment. When Noah said something about understanding the heroes' "humanity", the music swelled and there was a certain affliction in is voice.

You're right.
It wasn't as good as last weeks, which is disappointing, because I was really hoping the quality was going up. Instead it looks like last week was more of an anomaly. The only good things about the episode were Peter's stand-off with Zeljko, and the fact that they made Noah kind of cool again (he was

Or should I say it got ram-jammed all around.

The Wrestler got shafted all around.

Sean Penn??

Meet Joe Black

I saw it strictly because I'm a Danny Boyle fan. I did not like it.

I'm wondering…
Standing ovations for the past Best Supporting Actresses and the past Best Actresses, but not for the past Best Supporting Actors…. what gives?

Danny Boyle is a great director.
His direction is the only redeeming thing about Slumdog. It's an otherwise terrible movie.

all i hear is high pitched squealing…
I thought it was the after-math of queen latifah's attempted murder of my ears, but it's just Reese Witherspoon talking.

Hugh Jackman.
Has he done anything tonight besides the two musical numbers and the "jokes"?

When the world needs a douche…

The only one I saw was Man on Wire.

That sound you hear…
It's everybody in the country switching the channels at the same time.

That was anti-climatic.

He's not going to win, but only because he didn't go full retard.

Just let me know when I can buy my ticket on Fandango.

This is terrible.
Just give out the fucking awards.

… is Wolverine gay?