
A DP just said "suck on that"!

The Soloist…
Am I going out on a limb predicting Jamie Foxx will be nominated next year? After all, he is playing a retard.

I'm holding out until he agrees to do City Slickers 3: City Slickers in the City.

the main character… dev something-or-other…

I like how one guy was looking directly at the camera, and the other guy wanted nothing to do with it.

wah wah wah

If I could shoot anybody in the world…
If I had to pick one person… .just one person…

I have Billy Cyrstal…
… in a cage in my garage.

I will only watch a Nic Cage movie if said movie features him punching a woman in a bear suit.

I just want to know…
How terrible is it living in LA on Oscar night?

I just read that this movie made 41 millions dollars this weekend. I don't think the Madea movies are ending anything soon… The world will probably end before Madea is finished, and with the amount of money this trash makes, probably rightfully so.

Tyler Perry Presents: Madea in The Sassy Black Women Who Went Up A Hill But Came Down A Mountain (Starring Madea)

Correction…. that isn't their ultimate goal…. but it will be a goal, at some point.

The equations are used to find the island while it is moving. If the island isn't moving, which hopefully we all can agree stopped when Desmond turned the failsafe, then the island is as easy to find as any other land mass. Basically, once the failsafe is turned, the island's self-protection plan is null and void.

I think the island definitely stopped moving after Desmond turned the key. You could see when Locked fixed the wheel, it was trying to turn, but couldn't because it was off it's axis (which was causing the erratic time-jumps). When the wheel is turning, the island is moving and everything is in working order.

Another thought: When Ben turned the wheel, the island started moving again… but since not all the people who were supposed to be on the island were on the island when the wheel was turned, the wheel went offline and the island started time-freaking out.

Maybe the island stopped moving at the end of season 2 when Desmond turned the failsafe. Since it stopped moving, it could now be found.

Ratings are stupid. Or, a more correct statement would be : Nielsen Media Research is stupid.

If Ben filed a motion to have a blood test done, his lawyer is going to do everything possible to get that blood test. The only person who could call off the blood test is Ben, and he probably didn't do that.

There were no pieces of actual plane, no evidence of a crash… just water bottles and other small things.