
I do too. I could've fixed the DVR schedule a while ago, but I'd rather not watch the previews. I like being spoiler-free.

I think she thought that is was her only option. Plus, if the lawyer finds her with the Sheriff and a warrant, her only choice would be to run. She realized the only place she could go was the island, and she wanted to take Aaron, but Claire told her not to, so she gave him up to the lawyer.

It makes much more sense that Kate submitted to the blood test, it was revealed that Aaron was not her child, and they took him away. Kate wanted to go back to the island, and after her visit from Claire, thought it would be in Aaron's best interest not to bring him back.

remembered. I really wish we could edit our posts.

I just remember Ben's line after Jack asked him about the rest of the people on the plane…

The lawyer took him.

My theory is that the plane started going down over the island right before it time shifted again (maybe the time shift caused the crash?). Therefor, Kate, Jack, Hurley, and (hopefully) the rest, time shifted with the island.

TOP CHEF is a can't miss.

Maybe the lawyer took him away? Maybe?

I didn't get to see the preview. My dvr cut out.

I think Ben's beat down and Sayid's incarceration are unrelated. Ben definitely got his ass beat attempting to(and I think succeeding) kill Penny.

This Episode Was Awesome.
That plan definitely went down, but only the people who were meant to go back to the island ended up on the island. Everyone else is in either dying or dead somewhere in the middle of the Pacific.

He still paid the check at the diner, too. That was amusing.

It's Lebec, Eddie Lebec…
I watched this once and the "expert" was Jay Thomas. Jay, fucking, Thomas.

I'm a big Worlds Apart fan. I think Caterwaul is a great tune. I really haven't heard much of So Divided, but I listened to this the other night and liked it a lot.

I'm a glutton for punishment… and douchebag comments.

I'm pretty sure God went to check this movie out at his local theater, and left half-way thru to go to the strip club.

The strength of the first season and the hope of a return to that is still enough to keep me watching, too.

Yeah. This really isn't a review as much as it is a collection of smart-ass comments and some extremely lame attempts at humor.

And yes, I realize that spelling out things that are obvious is pretty much what Heroes has been about for the past two seasons. For some strange reason… I keep watching.