
Spaceman Spliff, you didn't ruin anything for me. I agree with you that it is obvious.

Also, it is a different "Volume", but it's still the same season.

They've used pop music in the show before, it's just been a while. They used that Rogue Wave song in the Pilot. I'm sure there are other instances I can't remember. Maybe they're attempting to get back into that practice.

No. No, it did not.

That is the kind of quality writing that past episodes have been missing.

This review was almost as bad as previous Heroes episodes.

you're wrong…
This episode was the best of the season. It was suspenseful, it introduced Sprague Grayden onto the show (LOVE HER), and brought back Aaron Pierce.

I agree. I love the show, but I'm getting tired of the whole Chuck-awkwardly-seduces-the-female-guest-star thing. That is getting really old…. it seems like they do it in every episode.

Two gags I liked in Family guy:
1. Brian's list of songs named for a Girl

Ok…… first of all… this post is going to be completely different because, as I write it, the JONAS Brothers have been introduced as David Letterman's FIRST guest. FIRST!!!

"We decided we were more disgusted and bored with the state of heavy popular music than we were with each other. "
Limp Bizkit may be directly responsible for the current state of popular music. If they wanted to do something about it, they should all probably kill themselves.

I definitely think E. Hawk has her own plans for the island. I also think that if it would benefit her more, she would probably be working with Widdy instead of Ben. She sees Ben as her best chance to get control of the Island.

Yeah, Ben knows who Faraday is and vise versa, regardless of the fact that they haven't "met"…


and if Joanie Stubbs and her son Matt Seracen show up in the reunion scene … all will be right in the would.

Ellie might not be LEGIT
Just because it appears E. Hawk and Ben are in cahoots doesn't mean they both have the same agenda. It's very possible she is playing Ben as much as he's playing everyone else.

If Hawking is the Keymaster, and Ben is the Gatekeeper… who is Zuul?

I spent a few years living on Bruce Campbell's chin.
Greatest years of my life.

Thinking about Against Me covering Here Comes A Regular makes me want to cut off my ears.

Damn, now I'm even more pissed off.