
this episode was bad ass
I hope this is a sign of an upward trend.

god damn it
I couldn't watch because the president was talking about the stupid economy.

I saw him at Lollapalooza in 2006 and thought he sounded great. At least as great as a performer can sound playing in a giant park. Then again, I was pretty close to the stage.

Would it be OK if it were candy being thrown instead of shoes?

I loved the episode, and I love the show. I just wish that someone would talk about the fact that Saracen played pretty well in the loss last week; it was the defense that lost the game. Somebody needs to bring that up.

Wait a minute, Bunny. Ah… Are you telling me that you built a time machine… out of a DeLorean?

I Give This Episode an…
… A+

"Ben turning the wheel caused the Island to jump to its different locations in time. For example, when the Island first moved, it moved off the coast of Africa - it's geographic location when Yemi crashed. We haven't seen a Black Rock explanation, but I'm thinking the Island moved underneath it. The 70 hours mentioned

We want our film to be beautiful not realistic, I love what you're getting at. Part of what you're thinking has been my theory for a while.

Rose and Bernard are off getting busy in the jungle.

I've got the TIME.
Do you think it is possible, on the present-time island (the one that Richard and the Others are still on), that the bodies of the i6 are just lying there, comatose, waiting for their consciousness to return to the correct time? Kind of like what happened to Desmond and Fisher Stevens whenever

These are the greatest reasonable discussions ever.

I've seen Ben Kweller a few times, and he was great every time.



They didn't. He was a solo artist. Mr Heisler was just being cute.

April O'Neal is a Hardcore Bitch.
I thought this episode was great. This is the best HBO show since Deadwood.

I love animals and all…. but some of those people are batshit crazy.

I think it is exciting waiting those few extra moments to see if a play will stand.

The Steelers are going to be "coming in the air tonight" all over the Cardinal's faces.