
I think the Dynamite Hack album is pretty good. I don't remember much about their live show. I just wanted them to get off stage so I could see weezer.

Jenna Von Oy is dead?

I'm aware that he wasn't aware. I think he wanted to shoot the guy, but physically could not. Like destiny wouldn't let him. He didn't know why he couldn't shoot him, so he settled on that "he's one of my people" stuff.

Well, I'll never look at Darkwing Duck the same way again. Thanks for that.

the adventures of young "widmore" jones
Locke couldn't shoot widmore/jones because that would have seriously fucked shit up. Plus, you can't change the past, right. I think what he said to Sawyer was just the first excuse he could come up with.

The John Larroquette Show
Man, that show ruled.

She really ran the gamut. She went from cute little kid, to funny-looking teen, to just plain ugly, to pretty fucking hot.

Jenna Von Oy is dead?

No way man, when they played shows in small clubs was a god damn good time. When all they played were songs from the first two albums and everybody in the room was jumping around singing their heart out, it didn't get any better.

I think BA should be played by a white dude, and the rest of the A-Team should be played by black dudes. That is what I think.

I saw them twice that tour. Once at the 930 club in Washington, DC and the next night in Philadelphia at the TLA. I wasn't expecting the above capacity crowd at the 930 club so that was a bit of a surprise. I remember just being squished while the opening band (Dynamite Hack) was playing, and then as soon as they

I hope Bob Pollard writes 100 more songs. I hope Rivers writes 10.

Gloria Estefan, Really?
I think we all can agree that the best weezer tour was during the summer of 2000. It was during that awesome pre-green post-hiatus period and they didn't have any crappy songs to play so the whole set was all fucking great songs save a few new ones. They played at small clubs that were so

I'm glad to see the director of Medellin land on his feet, but…
… when did the dude from Maroon 5 become a terrorist?

I won my wife in a poker game.

I won my wife in a poker game.

this episode gets an A from me….
… just because of the Smash stuff alone.

I would totally bang Tomato Soup.

I'm not sure how to say this….di..bet…s?
Nice Simpson reference, by the way.

She'll always look like a boy to me. Just like Charilze Theron will always remind me of the character she played in Monster, therefor rendering herself hideous.