Center for Ants

Me too. I was thinking it's a reality show, but with moles in the cast and Blair Witch style producer manipulation designed to torment the real contestants. I was planning to tune in to find out if I'm right about who's legit and who's a plant.

Royal Thunder.

Checking out The Haxan Cloak now. So far it's the tits!

I see what you're saying, but I found the 80's flavored hip hop-isms to be part of the charm. Even then it sounded dated, but intentionally so. Like a snapshot of a teenager's room from the not so distant past—Eric B. & Rakim records on the floor, old ViewFinder and Lite-Bright still in the closet…

I remember a possible "Daniel in prison" storyline, and maybe "Sam becomes cool/alienates geeks," but I'm skeptical about that Lindsay thing. 

Down is heavier and darker in a more real sense. Pantera was all scooped tone and jiffy-pop kick drums; metal for the gym. Anselmo was always insufferable as the frontman for Pantera, but I've always loved his work in Down.

I know it doesn't matter really, but Wumpscut wasn't goth.

I know it doesn't matter really, but Wumpscut wasn't goth.