
There was a bit on a podcast I heard this week about this very idea. I can't remember which one…it's now driving me crazy. Does anyone know?

And then there's this:

I LOVED IT…it has a GRIP of GROWING to do … but the potential is overflowing.  That's all it is—potential—but it's got so damn much of it.

I haven't watched this yet, I will tonight when I finish working on a State Senate and Gubernatorial recall elections in Wisconsin.  And even though I've been working on a Spec Pilot that is this idea for oh, about 4 years now, I will forgive them their unbeknownst trespass for documenting my life.

Mark Mckinney is fantastic in it!  Him and Susan Coyne (who also plays Anna.) came up with a wonderful little world. And while I will agree with some that on first view S1 stands out, on 2nd and 3rd times through the latter episodes feel just as good to me. And the downfall of Richard is a beautiful story. Though

It's on Netflix instant watch.  It's worth your time.

Good On YA!  It's definitely worth the re-watch even if it doesn't get picked.  Fantastic.

This is an amazing list.  It really is.  I voted for Slings & Arrows because Jeffery Tennet is a mad fucking genius!  It's really an amazing piece of work, and really deserves the AV Club treatment.

Late to the game…sorry friends, will anyone read this? Cleaning up the scraps in WI has it's consequences, being behind on the greatest show on TV is one of them. :(gross, I just did that)

I think she was nervous but yes, I agree. I really did not like Yoffe, but at least Lowrey had something to say, if she said it poorly. Yoffee was dead weight until they got to DSK, and then they just threw her a solid by giving her the episode title.

Bueller? Bueller?

Slate's Political Gabfest
Sorry for the two week delay, life in the Wisconsin Recall Craziness has been, well, Crazy. So a shot out to Dave Weigel for stepping in last week for David Plotz who was dying of death. He did a great job.

Many thanks AV club. I'm a combination of too busy and too dim-witted add to have seen that when I was search at ast…(you can read moron into that, i'm comfortable).

I can't read podmass, or get on with my life!!!!! For some reason itunes did not deliver for me the Tournament of Champions episode. I continue to hit refresh, but it goes from the Professor Blastoff Earwolf Studio episode to the one what was released today! How do I get it? Where do I get it? is


You want Nerdy???
How about a nerdy ass deconstruction of comic books at the collegiate level? That's some real ass nerd shit right there!

Huh, I thought the This American Life ep was the inspiration to make the movie…I love getting minute details on things…

Arthur After Hours
I think that's the best examination of the Artie/Larry relationship, at least from Artie's perspective.

Holy Moly! Me too! All the women of slate, Bazelon, Daliah Lithwick, Dana Stevens, the whole lot.