
Season ranking: 2, 3, 5, 4, 1

Season ranking: 2, 3, 5, 4, 1

I always felt like, while Angel was Liam instantly overwhelmed by his atrocities and forced to seek any comfort, before simply sulking for a hundred years, William, always felt like a push-over, and treated Spike as a hero, as a teacher, as an inspiration to who he was. It grows on him during Buffy season seven, that

What I really enjoyed about that scene was their bantering, which I felt was spot on, and I rather much enjoyed that subplot, because… Well, that's, in a manner of speaking, how we as geeks act. Though I don't buy all that merchandise, I still retain that quality of choosing the cover of a book which fits better with

Which is the feminine form in German, so still an insult.

Virtually disappeared after Shirley's water broke.

On a different note
How long has it been since Ted got laid?

How long has it been since Ted got laid?