
lol at "san jose will break you man". true, it could, but out of the larger bay cities, its the most affordable and the safest Though this has been a violent year so far).

Not to be Rude
but from left to right, the photo appears to be the evolutionary scale.

attempted firstie or lastie?

Yep, great interview. Thanks, Rabin.

Pedigree would refer to Black Milk, and to a lesser extent, Sean Price, who is a beast on the mic, but lacks true lyrical originality and brilliance. Guilty Simpson is essentially a 3rd rate Sean Price. So, no, not a super-group.

Hell yeah, and also, "wow"! i wonder if this has anything to do with the dissolution of Def Jux?

@ Get A Map- I just saw that too. LOL. No wonder he was so disrespectful in regards to Gilman.

(i'm sorry that is too expensive)

felt pelt ftw!

Might have been right around when Pop Pilgrims popped up this morning. I swear I am a much nicer person than this. I swear!

Makes Perfect Sense
That there would be a Pop Pilgrim quiz for the readers, and yet the writers can't even seem to identify which city a landmark resides in.

Jarritos Limon or Pina for the win.

I see. If Ghostface or Raekwon travel in the same lyrical territory as ANY of their previous outings, it's all good, but if Del bounces back and forth, it's a boring rehash whichever direction he goes.

whereas primaries set them up for success.

I shall never troll! Promise.

Lupe Fiasco cannot write a complete song. He seems to have an ever-present shitty hook writer though, that enjoys screeching through lines that are so cheesy and sentimental I practically weep when I hear them. It is as though Lupe has studied a book called "Love and Other Emotions of the Average Teen", and he bases

Ice cream cone butt?

That rapper dude who ate some human flesh was none other than Big Lurch. Wouldn't want to be his roommate.

^^^ ZING

and put eyeballs in envelopes; creative fellow!