
i still play vee-vee at least once a month. saw these guys at sluggos in pensacola around 97', and they put on a fantastic live show. i sure hope you're correct about the festival circuit, josh.


i forgot where i was for a moment and gave a silly nod to sincerity.

blippity blah. criticizing a successful person does not make you smart or cool.

i second and third and fourth nomeansno. and hanson brothers ;)

of course this is an english teacher. in my teacher cohort, all of the female english teachers were so incredibly hot. there was one who wore skin-tight skirts and blouses, and taught high school!

you know what bugs the shit out of me? against all of my instincts otherwise, i see a direct correlation to the acceptance of vulgarity in pop-culture, to the acceptance of it amongst my teenage students.

no no no.

something i made and originally posted as an ad in craigslist's romance section.

lets let the gates show us how to do it!

nah man, that shit just looked cool. thats why.

Robin Thicke?
Isn't his son #1 on the r&b charts?

@ primer- that is one of the most ridiculous, asinine statements, ever.

no one counts why? and i would disagree with edan, as talented as he is.

count bass d and madlib are amazing, but neither has made anything close the three feet, de la is dead, the grind date, or even the best parts of "are you in".

bukowski never sobered up goddamnit. linda tightened up the noose on his old, sagging balls, but that fucker still drank his red and smoked his beadies.

oh, fuck it.

my daughter has fairly good taste so far, minus her new favorite, "zaboomafoo", which stars a lemur puppet, claymation, and two incredibly annoying brothers.

thats no moon.

nathan, you cant firstie and secondsie your own article. thats like being the mcdonalds and coca-cola of your own article.