
hamburgers in england taste kinda like ballpark franks over here.

get glamoured.

no you don't, robuttnik. at least i hope you don't.

musta been big red…..

one of teh saddest days ever was when i first saw glenn get knocked the fuck out at that show in arizona.

i wouldnt really call it my argument, its just some research i have been reading lately. heres one example:

i commend you, teenager of the year.

what really happened to myspace is
a digital media version of "white-flight". at least, this is what some research points to; a cursory "browse people" in your area will very likely show you that the majority of recent users are darker in skin-tone.

bleeding rectum

jeff hanneman writes consistently better songs that kk.

*switches over to slayer radio on pandora immediately*

smacky- you may find mike DB hot, but to straight men that are even willing to recognize what a woman might find attractive in a man, he is definitely not it.

Med student. My daughter's mother was told by her doctor that one glass of beer or wine would be okay, and in fact would be good for her circulation while preggers.

Mike V. does not seem like the monster truck type, or even the large F-150 even. He strikes me as a guy that would drive a 2010, yellow Mustang.

I agree. It was for sure sincere. Tom will justify it after tonight because there will be tremendous backlash. To me, it came down to Padma criticizing one of Jen's dishes, and criticizing BOTH of Mike's. Other than that, the judges seemed fairly balanced I think (even with their spirited discussion).

I agree. I wanted to eat that goddamn veggie dish so bad. Also, he mentioned that he knew there were detractors (i.e. Mike), but it would not affect him. Clearly it did not. Kudos to him for that.

without a single doubt
Mike V. should have gone home. He had the most amount of negative comments shown WHILE the judges were eating the food.

whats the best thing about fuckin' a dead baby?

ten dead babies in one trashcan. whats grosser than that?

"daddy liked to drink"