
favorite child rearing moments
kids in the hall sketch denouncing the joys of parenthood, and trying to give the kid back.

everybody's havin' 'em.

I find kitties and puppies much cuter than baby humans.

yes. another allusion to a show about vampires!

and the answer is "Blutzeuge".

an exercise in analogies, go!
thanksgiving is to native americans as __________ is to jews.

SkeletonWitch fucking rules.

we are both going to self-editing hell, thats for sure.

wow, ham eaters are one angry bunch.

changing age, repo?

i have always been fond of "brotally".

I meant "men" damnit! Freudian slip?

I am sorry to tell you this Miss Amelie,
but the majority of "me" stay dudes their entire life. They simply pretend not to be when in the presence of a woman they desire.

i'm actually pretty glad we didnt get to. i see where youre coming from, but if they showed the whole thing it would have been why "reunion shows are lame".

lately i have been listening to my slum village station on pandora while working.

if i want to filthy joke i will just watch this last sundays curb episode for the fifth time.

as he is here with me. okay, lets review.

dads beat you like this…

isnt wendy williams that guy who is obsessed with outting the "gay rapper"?

after MONTHS of harassment by my female teenage students, i felt it was my duty to try and read the book, being an english teacher and all. i failed. i dont even think i could stomach it until bella made it to alaska. so i tried the movie.