

dashboard confessional stories
i met my daughters mother, and immediately fell in love with her. exactly one week later, i saw the back of her dirty ford suv; no, the dirt didnt bother me.

on the fence with this glen guy
while i enjoyed "once", and think marketa is cute and charming, it seems to me that glen is trying too hard to seem sincere and humble.

saturday proctored the SAT test, cleaned house, hung out with my daughter. sunday was football, playing and painting with my daughter, going on bike ride with my baby, having a beer in downtown san jose. later in teh evening getting in a fight with babymama, and then drinking two dollar beers at a dive bar.

I have never seen any of these
But I am excited to check out



oh heck yes to this thread and article. bravo!

okay arsenio. you have to start with "operation doomsday", period. then, you go through the albums in chronological order.

hey, what the hell are you doing here dronkmunk?!

it is never too late. i wish i could hear it again for the first time ever, but the best thing is that you can re-listen to that record (and all of DOOM's) and catch something new each time.

and the win goes to Tom!

"have a new shot, named it after chongs daughter
triple shot of (con)gac with a chaser of bong water"

silly man frito. stacy is totally fuckable (the character i mean, not the dorky guy who made her).

i think daniel johnston should play the guy.

was it?

yawn, sigh
first hall and oats, and now this?

i got to the part where
he said he doesnt like music.

LC in BK-

you are thinking of dave kendall probably. anyone else remember that killer combo of kendall hosted 120 and liquid television?