
wait, i am man, not robot.

hey, my name is ian charles fay, i am a 32 year old male, and that picture is really me.

cosign frito on the jack johnson bit.

It's Just a Plant
My chinese-feministstudies-stripper-ex-girlfriend bought me this to read to my 4 year old daughter.

cosign witty.

i will just also have to comment on sausage party's comment.

DGC rarities
some thoughts here. i remember having the dgc rarities tape, and driving through the snow in upper michigan. i purchased the tape (or stole it) because it had nirvana, sonic youth, and beck.

perhaps they can work in some sort of holocaust story line?


it doesnt matter who's funnier.

this is gonna

thats because hold steady fucking suck
great lyricist, blah blah blah.

dont know much about lovecraft, but will check out the recommendations.
also, i dont feel like emailing, and i know you guys read the comments (which is nice by the way), so i would like to suggest you do a geekery on either richard brautigan or john fante.

no amelie.

running in-house suspension right now. i dont care what the damn kids think.

listen guys. DMX wants his weiner sucked, okay? but he is also upset because he also wants people to get off his dick.

i hope DMX gets his fucking ass kicked.

those boots would make me nervous. actually, i am nervous now thinking about them. i mean, she could be hiding something in there.

i think "angrily horny" is when you see naked boobies, and you should be horny, and your weiner is confused because your brain keeps saying "what?".

next thing you know, someone's gonna accuse this polanski guy of rape.