McNultys bad police

I will now imagine Tourette Guy's voice for every ZMF post and pretend that I never heard this commentary track.

Actually, after hearing this I'm convinced (and disappointed) that he's a real guy. I'd like to think that if he was an AV Club creation they would have written some better lines for him.

Furthermore, Kurt Cobain was a Monkees fan.

Does that make Tim and Dawn Adam and Eve?

I'm willing to cede that the line about Hurley owning a box factory in Tustin was probably just a wink at the fans, and I don't think that Hurley being Locke's boss had any deep signifigance in and of itself. Sometimes, clearly, the writers are just having fun.

slc, I think that was half the point of his casting. You don't expect Neeson to be the mastermind, so it's something of a surprise in the final act when he's revealed to be the real Ra's al Ghul.

Spider-Man and Batman Begins both start with strong, entertaining origin stories, and both conclude with over-long action set pieces that drain all the momentum gathered in the first hour or so.


Actually, it's all about identity.

Do you mean Billy Crudup? Or is there a reference I'm missing?

The notion of all the characters (and humanity in general) being connected is one of the central themes of LOST, Bernice. They may go over the top with Penny being Daniel's sister and Jack being Claire's brother, but all those connections are in keeping with the show's commentary on fate and identity.

In (moderate) defense of that scene, half the women passing Peter during his street dance look disgusted, and half look intrigued. Only Peter himself is buying into the act.

In the interview link that tim_I provided above:

Jammer, it's called the Reader and it's less pleasant than you'd imagine.

The original picture was a reflection of the desire and need that made John and Yoko work. No matter how ugly the rest of the world thought Yoko was, John was completely enamored and that came through. Two unsexy people created a decently sexy image.

Who are seven people that have never been in my kitchen?

Komm gib mir deine hand?

Question: Which is the better party town, Columbia or Warrensburg?

One Sunday about a year after the U.S. Office started I was at a Hollywood bar watching the Redskins beat the shit out of the 49ers, and I'm pretty sure John Krasinski was hanging out there.
I hadn't watched the show enough yet to know for sure whether it was really him, so I didn't bother him.
But in Hollywood, every

Canadian thread: