Michael Colbert

Smithee is also code name put on films, tv shows and such where the director wants his (or her) name removed from the credits. Some sort of meta-joke.

Copy that

so was "Alien"

How do you fit all the presents?
Bigger on the inside.
That moment brought up the possibility (however slight) the Santa was a timelord. A reasonable explination of Santa if you think about it.

Did anyone notice that other venturestiens were Hank and Dean clones?

His killing mandate is seriously hampered if I can just go to the next room.

Yeah, the Mickey cartoon that followed was a nifty riff on the mouse ears logo. Love the character designs too.

Yes, that was a Doctor Who joke. And why have we not seen till now the obvious but no less brilliant joke of Modock not being able to get through regular doors?
Favorite line: when Iron Man sees P&P weapons lab - "Um, you know Stark Enterprises has summer internships."

there is an off-site restaurant /indie comic boutique/ bar called trixter. It's in a different location each year but it's become the gathering spot for small comic creators to hang out network. Find it.

Strange I saw no mention of Ann's yearbook entry
"Not Pictured" is listed under her picture (just like Maybe said a few eps ago).
Nickname: Egg
Activities: Math Club
Quote: I was supposed to have a quote?

Strange I saw no mention of Ann's yearbook entry
"Not Pictured" is listed under her picture (just like Maybe said a few eps ago).
Nickname: Egg
Activities: Math Club
Quote: I was supposed to have a quote?