
Good choice. The Power of Failing got me through high school.

Good choice. The Power of Failing got me through high school.

Thanks for this one, Genevieve! I love Dessa. It restored my excitement about this feature.

Documentary Style
I really enjoyed the Michael/Holly/Dwight/Erin parts of this episode. Yes, if you get into the logistics of the documentary camera crews, and Michael potentially getting lost in his home town, that can all be distracting, but I thought Dwight's line to Pam about him obviously getting the chocolate

Modern Lovers
I love that first record. I also like "Jonathan Goes Country." But I haven't really listened to too much else. I have been trying to track down a copy of the second album, but haven't had much luck. I used to have a mix cd with at least half of those songs on it, but have misplaced it.

Best Network Drama
I think this show just keeps getting better. I liked it okay when it first started, but now that they've had some time to build relationships and further develop individual characters, I think it is probably the best drama currently on network TV. It's hard to argue with an ensemble cast as good as