
I am hoping and praying that if Zooey ever gets a chip on her shoulder (possibly a result of the bitterness she feels in light of this deserved Siri blowback), her inevitable memoir will be titled "Twee as Fuck."

There's a little Anna Faris in the mix too.

So DC is already light years behind Marvel in setting up a cohesive mythology between their film properties if they ever wanted to do their own Justice League meet-up movie. I mean, Nolan's Batman would never fit into a Justice League flick, Green Lantern tanked, they're rebooting Superman again and already moved the

I could not stop laughing at Schmidt's reaction to saying "Asian Jess." Dammit, he's good.

God, I wish they would make Waid the showrunner too.

I was going to say "I liked this movie better when it was called 'Mercury Rising,'" but that would obviously be a lie since no one liked "Mercury Rising."

Thank you, Noel Murray, for finally speaking up and somehow articulating my thoughts on Salmon!

Nick's level of yelling always ends up reminding me of Charlie Kelly on "It's Always Sunny…". This is not helped by the fact that he occasionally bangs the Waitress.

Mad Men may have won TV this week, but Andy Dwyer won that tiny ship he freed from the bottle.

do. And I read those too (I have even referenced them in the comments
section of this here website). BUT… I like to read the individual
episode breakdowns here in the context of an entire season where he can
cross-reference episodes without the fear of spoilers of future unaired
episodes for a bigger picture

I refuse to believe tomorrow is the end of these Walkthroughs. Tobias, please tell me you did your best Quarles' imitation and have Yost chained to a bed so he can keep talking about "Justified," because I'm loving these posts.

Actually, Gene Simmons has also backed Mitt. Would seem that Romney has a veritable murderers' row of musical knuckleheads in his corner:

Maybe Erlandson is just priming the pump and getting people excited for his follow-up "Come As You Aren't: The Very Best of My Kurt Cobain Fan Fiction."

Keep making those ironic references and someone actually WILL become interested in making the dark, moody Silk Stalking reimagining. THEN YOU'LL HAVE YOUR IRONY, O'NEAL.

I like to imagine the working title of this episode was "The Comeuppance of Little Lord Bitchface." Fantastic episode.

I love that all season has been a "Chekhov's Gun" tease with Quarles' actual (rack) gun and Limehouse's butcher knife, and both damn things finally went off in the same scene. It was goddamn beautiful. Even the Roulette scene kind of fit in the Chekhov's Gun sense, paying off beautifully in that fantastic cold open.

This was really the first time in 88 episodes the Sklars got somewhat chilly when asking Killam about the twins routine on SNL a few months ago. I went back and watched that skit again and can see Killam's point that they were just using different archetypes of comedians, but I can also see where the Sklars were

You're in too! Now we just need a couple mandolins, an ozark harp, a harmonica player and an oxy-addicted husky from Detroit!

Me too! You're in!

This episode had so much awesomeness happening that I tried to imagine how many wipe boards, post-it-notes and flowcharts the writing staff must have in their room trying to keep all of these plot lines straight. And a LOT of great lines tonight. For me, the clear winner was Raylan's "Wizard of Oz" summary. It was