Thank You for Explaining

Holy shit, that is nightmare/wet-dreams fuel.

A winner of the genetic lottery, subcategory Cheekbones?

On the bright side, Abigail didn't have cancer!

At first I couldn't understand the tears in front of Gillian Anderson, but then it was clear that that was part of his narrative (since she ended up talking to Jack). BUT then at the end we see that she knows a lot, which makes the tears both unnecessary and useless. ??

I can buy that. If this was The Moment, though, what are we to make of all the previous The-Moment candidates that we've discussed during the season? Are they invalidated or is it simply incremental? Wasn't this too much of a lightswitch moment (going suddenly from not-knowing to knowing) for the incremental

In retrospect, for us, her scenes have, genre-wise, been mainly mystery: How much does she know about Hannibal?

What do you make of the decision not to show her death? Is this to preserve Hannibal as a rootable character? Surely not to have us wonder whether she is truly dead; the meal tonight was pretty conclusive.

We're DRIVING to Minnesota.

I was a little puzzled by Will's comment to Hannibal: "Not as alone as you."

"Inverse" is right on, judging by the last scene of this finale. Some nice inversions there, especially if taking Will as a Clarice figure.

Girl You Regret Starting a Conversation with at a Party?

Step 3: Put your female lead in a box!

Sozzled dockhand?

Sutton and her brother should get their own show (in the event Bunheads is really cancelled). Might be tough to come up with a title, though…

Coincidentally, just today I was imagining what a faux pas it would be to call an astronomer an "astrologer." (Though surely the topo- mistake isn't quite at this level.)

Good point. And I was very surprised at Kathryn's toughness. I figured that now that she is full-on parenting Daphne (rather than being a fun-aunt type), this means that Daphne doesn't merely get the nurturing but also the disciplining. In other words, Daphne has graduated from guest to family member. (A contrast to

His good bag and cheap shoes.

I'm glad you mentioned "Point Break," because that's the vibe I've been getting from the beginning (and I wasn't sure how much of that was intended and how universally it came across).

That's just common courtesy, that it goes past *her* butt.

@avclub-ee2e9e1447fcb49c96e19af584ca11b4:disqus : Also "the kidneys are the balls" in terms of men's vulnerable spot on "Alien Nation."