Thank You for Explaining

I guess it's also possible that Datak's mic still managed to pick up some of Amanda's words?

Since the son is mostly a nice guy, I assumed he was unplugging his (kinda evil) father's mic. But from the reactions I gather that he was in on it with his mom and dad, and unplugged the incumbent mayor's mic, so she could not reply or stop Datak's announcement and speech.


Man, if North Dakota thought it had it bad, with the word "North" in the title scaring tourists away with thoughts of horrible winters, I can't imagine what Wrong Side of Town must be going through.

Tampons! *sniff*

And the former mayor even stroked the cheek of Rafe's son. NO TOUCHING!

Let's see. He likes bikes… Maybe he can become the new car-wash repair guy (is that too much of a stretch?). IIRC he is also artistic, a photographer, so maybe he can take pictures for the campaign. (I guess the campaign is over, but surely politicians are perpetually campaigning.) Angelo can hire him as a private

At first I actually thought he was unplugging his father's microphone :)

It's a pity that we didn't get an "Australian for beer" subtitle.


From io9.:

Small stuff:

Midway during the episode I got a notion into my head that Lena (who is not Brandon's biological mom and would therefore get a lot of flak for this) would take one for the team and insist that Brandon remain at home rather than go live with his father. This would let poor Brandon off the hook with his dad (spare him

I actually thought Brandon *would* move out, and that this would backfire on Talya in the worst way. Rather than see more of him ("privacy"), he, no longer Callie's "brother" in terms of living under the same roof, would now be free to date her and would choose to do so.

Brandon's story was particularly effective and affecting because, contrary to the expectations the show's premise might create, it centers around his having *too many* people who love him rather than too few. It also worked as well as it did because everyone was trying so hard to do the right thing, sometimes against

I'm glad that Judd Nelson from "Breakfast Club" is here because otherwise I would be dreading the inevitable plot where Callie and the English teacher "fall in love."

I'm sure Emmett can teach Travis how to use "I was passed over at work" for sympathy points :)

Well said. And, as already pointed out on this page, it was nice that the little girl didn't get shot or step on an IED. Though we don't know her exact fate (save that it was probably gruesome), a comment on how women and girls are treated in some countries is a much more worthwhile point for the show to make. I

Hurray for musical montages! How awesome was it that we didn't have to listen to Rafe's kid during that fight with his old man about leaving to seek out his mother?

What is that color even called? Red? Strawberry blonde? It's lovely but also very rare AFAIK and would not be out of place in "Defiance."