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"The 4400" did it, "Falling Skies" is doing it, and now "True Blood." I'm afraid of going to tvtropes for fear of never coming back out, so I'll ask here. What other rapidly-aging babies have there been?

The reason we forgot is that last time he neglected to say "I'll be back."

It's hard to say what the pleasures of watching this show might be: I know Merritt Wever is one, probably the main one, but beyond that I'm stumped. It's easy to say "character" stuff, but when they mess so arbitrarily with what little progress there has been, it sucks the air of out everything.

Incredible! So specific that it's a wonder that it applies. Nicely done.

And her analogue's name will be Karen Sisco!

I've been rewatching "Red Dragon" and "Silence of the Lambs" (and watching "Manhunter" and "Hannibal Rising" for the first time) and Mads is clearly the superior Hannibal.

The quality of this show is so surprising to me because it would have been really easy to coast on brand recognition and just offer some actiony kill-of-the-week generic show. That is, the quality was *unnecessary*. This makes the show feel like a windfall.

Mind you, sometimes his face is not his face, but let's not jump ahead.

Wow. Good work, guys. That's three relevant meanings you got out of "Crackers": crazy, white, and edible. Nicely done.

Mads would make a great Doctor Doom. And the cape and the sex-dungeon mask allow for some old-fashioned Tobias humor.

This is obscure enough that it won't get all the love it deserves. Excellent joke!!

I hate it when a strong antagonist tosses the hero clear across the room (thus giving him a chance to escape or grab a weapon) rather than use that strength advantage to immobilize him or gouge his eyes out or something. It's so clear that this is just so we can get the ("cool") visual of the hero being tossed around,

Don't you know? It's always Dia de los Muertos in Mexico (at least when TV and movies visit it, a la Venice and carnival). @dah_sab:disqus was busy trying and probably failing to get drunk on mezcal.

Now that you mention it, it might be fun to speculate about casting. What would be the criteria? Tall? Muscular? The tattoos and lip situation can be added.

Like Allison Janney and Kristin Chenoweth, it's hard to believe they're even the same species.

Stay frosty!

Almost as good as when he said "google."
I love it whenever he says Something.

On the other hand, Tywin's goals, though ultimately selfish, include his family (abstractly; he doesn't seem to care about the actual individuals but rather the House in the aggregate) in the selfishness.

"Fed up" as in exasperated, or…

Burnt human hair smells awful… I'm thinking she gets a Medusa head of burning hair.