Thank You for Explaining

I'm stumped as to why I don't mind the hallucinations at all in this show. I think it's because the show uses them as the opposite of a copout: If it's something horrible and status-quo altering, it really DID happen. (And if it's just symbolic or character-revealing, it didn't, which is fine.)

Good photo for a Caption Contest.

In an alternate universe, this is already an internet meme, where a long, detailed, exquisite description of something is followed by the thing's mundane name.

@avclub-726c3743d17c0e0bd19c0e87fd53dafd:disqus :

It occurs to me that I have never seen the construction "Bride of Frankenstein's Monster"…

Also, I'm thinking of growing some mushrooms. Sleep well!

I don't feel protective of Will per se, but rather of the Will & Hannibal friendship, which, in order to exist, requires many, many conditions that are difficult to maintain. It's really quite stressful to root for Hannibal in general and to root for this friendship in particular. And I wonder what the show can do to


Life: What you will regret is what you failed to pirate

Now this is even true for leather!!

Here are some hyphens, too.

*sharpens cheekbones*

Freddie Lounds is a Terminatrix!

My god I love this comment.

Death becomes her.

"So how do I die?"
"You don't."

This is a weird thing to say given the prevalence of this story in pop culture (Hannibal behind the prison glass), but it will be such a shock to see him caught.

Mmm, sole!

This whole friend/patient hybrid has given the show a lot of awesome leeway.

His "Don't lie to me!" is an odd thing to say. It's not something one would think of saying if the trust was already there, and saying it when the trust is already gone serves no purpose.