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What type of scene was it?

I don't know what the audience overlap might be for Justice League and Red Dragon, but someone else with a fire phobia is Martian Manhunter. ("Have you ever seen red soil in the moon(s)light? It appears quite black.")

I love the face he made in that spot. It was so full of meaning. And it was both in character *and* new as far as expressions we have seem on him.

The dialogue on this show, and the complicated ideas it's meant to convey, must be a dream for actors. That exchange between her and Hannibal was so rich. Something like "It's not a good idea for someone so friendship-challenged to be tutoring someone else on friendship." It's verbose dialogue, but for a purpose

Those curls are INSANE. Love 'em.

I was trying to imagine the circumstances… Hannibal would have to be immobilized for it to make sense to use *talking* rather than physical force. Maybe it was a delayed (planted) suggestion.

Which one is "Hannibal"? It's low-rated but at the same time it's international and very talked-about.

The show made some inroads this episode in Freddie Lounds's characterization. I was surprised by (and loved) her suspicions about Abigail. Freddie clearly has a second motivation now beyond selling books, since she is willing to alienate Abigail.

Make it work!

The freshly-baked rolls are people!

Will's fugue states are having fugue states now.


She also drummed her fingers almost outside of the frame, and Hannibal did the same thing in a later scene.

I'm still not sure exactly how much she knows about Hannibal, but I enjoy the process (of us finding out) very much.

Hannibal reclaimed his seat at the end. "I want to go back to me being the psychiatrist now."

I really thought the show was just fucking with the TV thing of sitting out a supporting character for one episode (and having another character provide the excuse via a line of dialogue), and that she would actually show up.

Fucking electricity, go to "Revolution" where you belong!

He definitely made his most defeated face tonight. He was exasperated at Will's tenacity and at the apparent death of their possible friendship.

I hope there was a cut there somewhere (so that Hannibal cued it up offscreen, fumbling and taking his time), because otherwise it's ridiculously suspicious.

It's giving me actual pain to see the friendship between Hannibal and Will reach an end.