Thank You for Explaining

Hannibal (rather than Francis Dolarhyde) got compared to God in this episode ("Thank God" = "Thank Hannibal," when discussing how Scully survived, via the tongue-swallowing). The logic is that if you act like God enough times you become as He is.

It was lovely for me to see the complicated (and exquisite) description of the meal be reduced to an archetypal nurturing thing.

This is going to get a million Likes, and rightfully so.

Tom Sawyer strikes again! This is the fence-painting con all over again.

I wonder if it's better or worse when the word fuck is used literally (copulation) or just as emphasis ("fucking bonkers!").

Allow me to rephrase: You're the tits, bra.

Wow. This is amazing!

Tom Noonan or Ralph Fiennes?

Just like Conan's progression from humble librarian to late-night talk show host!

That Summer Glau chick is quite inconspicuous, I think.

Time travel!! That's tight.

*picks up @WelcomeShaqKotter:disqus *

*pencils in another radiation-checking session with John Connor*

*pretends to go into Stand-By mode*

Thank you.

That's tight!

I agree. Then again, Kathryn and John don't really approve, they're just trying to put on a smile and pretend, so this might also be a subconscious or passive-aggressive way to give the bride a little hint. ("You'll never fit in," as you wrote.) This sounds too mean by half, given what we know of them, but there could

*checks GPS*

I suppose that's true. I'm always wishing for sunny days, but *some* rain is necessary.

He has a nicely unpredictable mix of caring and not caring. He looks like he doesn't give a shit, which is attractive, and he also occasionally very much gives a shit, which is attractive ("d'awww!" etc.).