Phlemmy Kilmister

I got two to add: Gay Witch Abortion and Steelhymen.

I don't get the Liturgy/Krallice love. I suspect it's all the same people reading all the same rock crit. This shit bores me till I wanna start fires.

Just to correct your entry, they don't live in the "wilds" of Oregon. They live in Washington, near Olympia on a working farm. And to call it black metal just misses the whole fucking point as usual.

Black Metal
More black metal to digest??? Pass. BM is way past its shelf life. Even its second wave was tired. I can't believe that corpse is still being humped, although DM is humped as much if not more. Speaking of humped corpses, thanks everybody for your delightfully boring comments on Christianity—much

I've always dug Orchid—Ampere should at the very least be a cut above the usual din. As far as the rest of the post goes…meh. Suffering burnout perhaps, or perhaps I can't get past the Inquisition/Negative Plane/Wormrot trifecta hogging my time these days—mixed in with the pigfuck music—where's all/what

Loud List
Woah, Dwarves and Swingin Utters?? It feels like I'm back in…1999. My friend and I used to go to SF and see the Dwarves all the time for their 15 min sets of unhinged chaos—my friend also has the distinction of being slapped across the face with a penis at said show by a man who cannot be named har har.

P.S. - Methinks Matt Pike could use a 3 pak of Hanes T's for Christmas. Satan doesn't approve of flabby abs.

"List"-en up
Fuggin list season agin: I cringe this time of year— every pale underemployed music writer puts out a 'best of year' list and his 12 followers fuggin slobber all over themselves. Perhaps it keeps your mind off your bedbug infestation, but it leaves me itchy and annoyed.