Michael referring to the sales floor/general office area as "a farty dirtpatch" as he's trying to convince Jim to switch jobs again had me laughing my ass off. So good.
Michael referring to the sales floor/general office area as "a farty dirtpatch" as he's trying to convince Jim to switch jobs again had me laughing my ass off. So good.
Y'know, it's not really weird at all, considering that the Winter Olympics are being broadcast on NBC and the opening ceremonies were the next night. Good cross-promotion for everyone, especially when you have a show like The Office that uses its cold opens as non sequiturs anyway. Btw, you really should trip up here…
Tron — nope, not the Flame, not the Pearl…Security station.
Just more evidence in my pile for the case of the 'Island-as-Atlantis'…Egypt everywhere.
SWEET. The most obvious and clear-cut reference to Eqyptian culture and history on Lost yet! Can't wait to see what the front of the statue looks like…who knows, maybe it will be Vincent! I'm just adding this as evidence in my corner for the 'Island-as-Atlantis' theory…
Hey, long time reader, first time poster…