Jagoff Sumbitch of the Ozark S

Piling on the Talisman love, probably my overall favorite. I wasn't as big on Black House, although it's a perfectly enjoyable read. Probably didn't help that I was all growed up by the time it was published.

My wife's biggest problem with that scene is the description of Bev having an orgasm - she thinks it's ridiculous that a girl that young would be able to have one and apparently it ruins the book for her. Personally, I was only a little older than the characters in the book when I first read it, so the scene was more

Hold on, sir, I'm writing this down. How many 'i's was that? Uh huh, uh huh. Well, this is simply incredible. I believe you've saved the show! Here's your well earned goodie bag.

Just watching the series now, I liked the first season and thought the second was okay. My wife's a bit of a completist, so we're three painful episodes into season 4 right now. Opinions on a series to watch next to counter this crapfest?

I'll say it again: I've got a pretty good idea of what I do and don't like on this site and I feel no obligation to click every single link. If you don't like it, don't watch it.

The best part is, they'd probably be thrilled.

Are you paid to click the link to this page and bitch about something you don't like, or do you do it for free? I could understand if you are making money doing this, but not if you actually think this is worthwhile use of your time.

@Correct: can I get that on a t-shirt?

Actually he only thought he discovered China. Turns out he 'discovered' Jersey.

Building ineffective Internet filters?

Failed forfsies.

What's this, now?

I'm guessing these guys have seen Floyd way too many times. If you catch my drift.

My money (yeah, BOTH dollars!) is on #3, much as I think #4 (um, the one actually numbered as 4, that is) would be far more awesome and make for a potentially very interesting arc for the next season.

Only if she has to…why, what does your mom touch shit with?


"Fire In The Sky" - Ozzy
"Fight Fire With Fire" - Metallica
"Set The World On Fire" - Megadeth
"Burn in Hell" - Twisted Sister
"Light the Torch" - Soilwork

Human Centipede 2: The Legend Of Curly's Poo

Damned Impressive
Dude is stepping up to some Kaufman-level monkeyshines here.

Are you nuts, just announcing your retirement like that? Think, man! You need to just play it easy and fade out, don't make yourself a target. Have the Lethal Weapon movies and their tired ripoffs taught us nothing?!