I'll use it.
I'll use it.
Yeah, 'cause defunct bands that still get radio play are *so* underrated. Not that I disagree with your sentiment.
My first two assumptions about what this game would entail match Ad Hawk's descriptions to a 'T'. I was disappointed to say the least, and apathetic to say th-ah, hell with it.
No, but it inspired giggling fits in my wife.
While I agree that no AC/DC>any AC/DC, I think I can work with whatever level of Aussie-rock they decide to use.
Special Agent, it is the considered opinion of this agency that your original interpretation of the innuendo was, in fact, correct. This agency would also like to note that it, too, would like to pepper her potts.
Won't somebody think of the cannon-fodder?!?
Iron Man II: Iron Harder.
I bet this doesn't sync up with 'Surfing With the Alien' nearly as well as the original.
Alright guys, it's a toss up between this and Wii Ni. Let's hear the votes!
WII: Wii harder
I'm in the not-a-portmanteau camp. More than one eighty is eighties, more than one ninety is nineties, more than one naught is naughties. Now the question is who the fuck says naught anymore. I posit that no one under sixty would know the word if it wasn't for the Simpsons.
No, no, your wife has to be "inspected" and "blessed" by Boteach.
Hm. Yeah, I'd watch the shit out of that movie. I think it's Haitian voodoo priests, though. Maybe the weed there isn't as good?
The butt up there makes an excellent point. Although as ninja I'm sure they would come up with something like disguising themselves as, I dunno, furniture delivery dudes or something.
I thought it was a gold plated cheese grater. No idea where my mind's at.
Failed you-know-whatsies! And yeah Nickleback (or Pickleneck as my wife likes to call them) would have been worse.
Hey, listen, man, I smoked plenty of pot in my day and I never had any of those bad consi-thingy-whatevers, man. Wait, I did once, but I quit buyin' from him after like, four more times. So, yeah, point taken.
I would read the shit out of an honest, candid memoir of Walk Kelly. Dude had to be swimming in sorority trim.
Yeah, that one got me, too.