Jagoff Sumbitch of the Ozark S

I just pictured Optimus lighting up a steel girder and taking a big puff.

"Your entire family tree weeps."

I wouldn't be surprised if a few of those chicks ended up on Skid Row, the band.

Fred, where I come from we call that the "Big Rock Candy Mountain".

+1 Spicy Chicken Sandwich. Thanks for reminding me that I live and work nowhere near a Wendy's. The cafeteria where I work occasionally serves a "spicy chicken sandwich" and while I'll give it points for two out of three, it pales in comparison. I eat it through my tears.

"Why don't I ever get any emails with one of my quotes in the signature?"
—Todd Barry, on email signatures

and other living things!

I have made a commitment to abstain from restfulness until such time as we arrive at our destination, the fair borough of Brooklyn.

In my daydreams, Patrick Warburton plays Destro.

That pic is so damn perfect.

Does ego get it?

Mansfield Park and Giant Insects

Persuasion and Torture

The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer And Godzilla!

The Possibilities!
A Tale of Two Cities And Werewolves!
Anna Karenina And Aliens!
The Scarlet Letter And Giant Spiders!

Hmm. Failed Buffettsies?

@Horsefellow again: Having reviewed your comments I am now convinced that you are doing it on purpose as some sort of meta-humor. Which is clearly going over my head.

@Horsefellow: Is that seriously the only typo you noticed?

"I will put my sting in you sideways"

Yes! Let evildoers flee from your mighty oracular sausage!