Morvran Avagddu

Man, why do I get stuck in the timeline where that doesn't read "Richard Dawkins".

Because depression and injustice are stone cold killers.


At Least Nightwing had the excuse of "I want to dress up like my childhood secret identity for I am a child… no more!"

At Least Nightwing had the excuse of "I want to dress up like my childhood secret identity for I am a child… no more!"

It's my love of shit like Ronnie's costume that leads me to insist on using terms like "rules" and "fucking sweet" to describe superhero elements I love, but are inarguably ridiculous. Check out Manhunter's getup from this same era - or for that matter, Deathstroke's.

It's my love of shit like Ronnie's costume that leads me to insist on using terms like "rules" and "fucking sweet" to describe superhero elements I love, but are inarguably ridiculous. Check out Manhunter's getup from this same era - or for that matter, Deathstroke's.

Genocide, Silver Swan, Circe, Doctor Psycho, Cheetah, Giganta, some business woman in Boston back in the eighties, Artemis…

Whereas Morrissey's seemed to me, in conclusion, too indecisive.

@avclub-946dca6d0d2657cfc194c3d4fd39ccb3:disqus , @avclub-9349e20458f64c9bfb83b5221e145937:disqus  - Poor old Hawkman died like four separate times in that short span of time between Final Crisis and Flash "If We Ruin Everything No One Will Ask for It Back" Point. 

@avclub-33beffd09a1b020d1187c6b4b264014a:disqus … thereby preemptively answering the traditional Western Mass rhetorical inquiry: "Watteru, from Medford?"

"Take Ill, Softly"

Those other posters are right. The answer was actually "Arab Strap".


@avclub-c1bac1d55ebcc415d61552acbfbb219d:disqus , worst thing about your comment is that its author fails to respect the existence of white (sexual) slavery.

Really, that's beautiful. The producers should totally blurb the fuck out of that shit.

Really, that's beautiful. The producers should totally blurb the fuck out of that shit.

See, the thing for me, thwartedagain, is that I can't watch his morning zoo shit without thinking he's the shittiest friend in show business.

See, the thing for me, thwartedagain, is that I can't watch his morning zoo shit without thinking he's the shittiest friend in show business.

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