Morvran Avagddu

"Marvel Studios Proudly Presents David Lynch's Strange Tales"

I never really liked this band. I had their albums and some eps and I saw them when I was in high school with a bunch of my friends. It was whatever.
Kurt's sure always seemed like he was a real sweet kid, though.

That's really interesting to me. I like a lot of Fraction's work, but
not on X-Men and his FF titles bombed for me out of the gate and I was out by the fifth issues. I've read that writing FF is one of the hardest gigs in the business, though, and I've only ever really been into the first 100 issues and the Byrne and


Humblebrag's been around for a while. I think it's wicked useful as a reminder to check myself.

He's currently the scourge of Western Mass.

Man, I'll tell you… my pop, on the other hand: almost 100% bullshitter.

That idea of the Superboy Punch's expansive effect makes me look to JLA / Avengers as the only hope that Flashpoint may one day be undone.

I just pointed at the screen and said "NICE."

"… and he smells bad, and I find him repulsive. But then he tells me that
everything is erotic, that everything is sexual. You know what I mean?
He tells me that even old flesh is erotic flesh. That disease is the
love of two alien kinds of creatures for each other. That even dying is
an act of eroticism. That talking

I'm "Like"ing this because of your user name.

That's what kills me about Snyder's Batman: I really got into his 'Tec run, but when the Ghosts of Gotham mini came out I was discouraged. To see his whole post-Flashpoint superstory pivot on that same theme was disappointing. I just hate the Nu52, though. All of it. Forever.

Yeah, whatever.

I barely clicked on this link, as I was thinking: "oh man, if the commentariat doesn't recognize this thing's beauty and just talks a bunch of dumb shit my mood's going to sour."
Fifty comments of psyched so far. I'm glad we can still get with a wicked summer jam when it drops.

I have it in my playlist twice in a row and let it rip for the hour every time.

Two weeks back I was in a late night organic market in Bushwick. Shit's changed.

Here you go:

No streets in Venice.

alyxandr - that's a matter of personal taste. Eddie Campbell's artwork is inextricable from the full composition of From Hell. Further, Campbell has been a respected comic book creator for over thirty years. I wouldn't want to see anyone else render the gull catchers sequence. This book is a beautiful example of a

If this van's a-rockin' you should please come a-knockin' because I don't know whose van this is or how I got here and oh, god - no, don't walk away - I need help…