Detective Johnson

do you think Hitler got stoned on his birthday?

legface is mostly harmless

Matt Damon was in EuroTrip because it was filmed in the same random eastern European country that he was in for the filming of the Brothers Grimm. I think.

That sounded like a pig fainting!

Listen, you couldn't possibly understand how stressful it is working at the office all day. You get to stay at home and play with the kids! Now where's my drink?

So you're saying this book isn't from the future?

And people still ask her about it 72 year later. In 2038.

They only focused on two American women but claimed that there are "at least 40 people worldwide" who are like this. No doubt there are literally millions of guys who like to fuck fences and railings and bridges and all other sorts of helpless inanimate objects, but these ladies claim to have loving long-term

I don't kid about Objectosexuality or whatever the old Swedish lady calls it. The real question is, why isn't this show on in the US? It was like a tasteful episode of Maury. I almost felt sympathy for a woman who likes to have sex with a model of the Berlin Wall.

I just watched the whole Chicks Who Like to Hump Buildings documentary
…and it is the wierdest fucking thing I've seen in a long time. I highly recommend it. The best part is when the priest confronts the fat girl about having sex with the communion rail.

No, it's more like Jello Pudding Pops.

Nas samples In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. Are you worried about him?



Stuck up Riverdale punks, think they're too good for me.

Tonight I'm going to make my rape-happy hot rod enthusiast outfit using a torn leather coat, chain mail, feathers, metal studs, and my old football shoulder pads. I can't wait for the apocalypse!

Medical Fact
Lupus is racist.

Why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch?

Maybe Faraday meant to say his mother was in Oxnard, not Oxford. That could explain why she is in LA.

I liked the part where Dwight and Andy finally realized that Jim was playing them against each other, then shot him in the warehouse.