
Years ago…
… I think about the time of Unbreakable or Signs, Shyamalamadingdong was being interviewed by Empire magazine, and I remember the quote: "I know how to make hit movies. There's a secret. I know it, and Spielberg knows it."

Is there an internet text version of the buzzer they use on game-shows when someone says something horrendously incorrect?

… we're shitting on Magnolia now? I must have missed that memo.

Me too! I got real uncomfortable, just waiting to unleash some shit on some poor schmoe.

Seriously, guy?

In summary: Lost is great, and if you criticize Lost, you're not getting it.

No, seriously guys…

I agree in theory if not in this specific case: yeah, Jacob and MIB are just annoying distractions for me at this point, and there have been dozens of minor characters I was more invested in. I'm still enjoying it as fun TV, but its a shame that its been completely sidetracked by two almost completely uninvolving…

"Really Monpoc and D&D are completely different genres of games"


What do you mean "you people"?

Holy sigh!
This episode gets two mehs up from me. I'm annoyed that they interrupted the last run up to the big finale with such a mawkish, poorly constructed mythology story. I don't care about Jacob and Man-Who-Is-Too-Mysterious-To-Be-Named. The whole thing wwith childhood versions of characters reminded me of

Breaking Bad's Super Villain Origin story continues…
First, Walt shaves his head and grows a goatee.
Second, he gets an underground lair.
Third, he gets an assistant with a busted face and permanently closed eye.

I'm assuming this post is some sort of self reflexive irony? Cos if its not, well, then you're kind of a dick.


Still don't believe it
There were too many jokes built around the bleeping and the censorship. Such as:

Ha, Extreme Baptism, that was Cheney's excuse.

I just can't believe…
… that Jacob endorses waterboarding.

Lapidus is the new caretaker.
Trust me on this one.

We know that Vincent Chase is just going to end up being cast, in a lucky break following another one of Vincent's career slumps. And where Gatsby was directed by Scorcese, Gilligan will be directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Sloane, for one, will love it!